We're Back

23 Apr 2012

though some things might still be broken

After a dispute with a data center, and finding a new host, I've uploaded the files back to the domain (at the new host). Some things might still be broken, and in fact I know of a couple which might not come back; I'm working on them. If you find something else, let me know.

Author: Geoffrey
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Category: Announcements

Useragent Info in Comments

10 Jun 2011

a test area for the useragent information in comments extension

Here is a place where you are free to comment in order to test the useragent information in comments extension. Be warned, though, I will moderate the comments.

Author: Geoffrey
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Category: Announcements

Welcome to Möbius

05 Jun 2011

A place for me to make announcements about the site, my web work, and hosting

This is a simple first entry to announce that a blog has now been installed. I have great plans for this area, not the least of which is to keep people abreast of my work with a particular extension for this blogging system, PivotX. As soon as I get it finished (tomorrow) and get this place completely up and running, I will announce the release of the extension.

Stay tuned...

Author: Geoffrey
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Category: Announcements

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